a b o u t m e

Samantha Laurenti, directing on set for her film Narcissa, the actress Ariel Ryan looks at her with joy
Samantha Laurenti sitting on set discussing props with art department
Samantha Laurenti directing on set, she holds her wrist in the air for eye line, there is crew around her lighting and working with camera.

Samantha is a Sacramento actress who grew up in Seattle and started performing very young. She was always in a choir, trying out for solos, and joining musical theatre camps in the summer at a local theatre. However, she didn’t truly start acting until high school when she joined the drama group and wrote her first one-act play which she starred in as well. After that, she was hooked and knew this is what she had to do for the rest of her life.

She went on to university and double majored in theatre and film. She fell in love completely with film and dropped her other major to pursue film fully. Samantha graduated with her bachelor’s degree and attended one semester at Los Angeles Film Studies Center in LA during her time in university. Now she lives in Sacramento working as a freelance filmmaker and actress, wearing many different hats in the film world and creating her own films.

Learning about film from the other side of the camera as a script supervisor and working in the art department has allowed her to be on a huge variety of sets in the area and learn from many other filmmakers and their craft. She feels this is something that has greatly expanded her mind as both a director and an actress, being able to learn about film from so many different angles allows her to think outside of just her position on any given set.

Samantha has acted in features, shorts, commercials, and corporate content. As a director and screenwriter, she specializes in finding the small moments of relatability and humanity in her characters in any genre. Her most recent directing project, My Cute Depression, is entering the film festival circuit for this upcoming year. Her most recent acting projects include Infrared, which can be found on Tubi and other streaming services, The Other Girl on Tubi and Plex, and First Date, which is on hulu.

(425) 280-6787

Sacramento, CA